Mode Display the wireless modes include 11b, 11b/g or 11b/g/n or 11n only
of the access points.
Refresh Click this button to refresh the table.
Connection Select an access point and click this button to choose the network.
The SSID name of the access point you have selected will be
displayed in the Main SSID in the Basic Setting page.
2.4.3 AP Bridge - Point to Point Mode
In this mode, this wireless access point will connect to another AP671W Wireless N 300 Access
Point which uses the same mode, and all wired Ethernet clients of both wireless access points
will be connected together. You can use this mode to connect a network to another network
which is physically isolated.
Please note that when you set your access point to this mode, it will not accept regular wireless
clients anymore.
When you select ‘AP Bridge - Point to Point’, the following options will be displayed: