Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 350I Modem User Manual

7 PPTP Commands
112 / 138
3EC 16982 AGAA TCZZA Ed. 01
pptp ifconfig
Configure an existing PPTP interface.
pptp ifconfig intf = <vp*vc|name>
[rate = <number{10-10000}>]
[encaps = <{vcmux|nlpid}>]
[ac <{never|always|keep}>]
intf The PPTP interface to configure
Typically a phonebook name.
[rate] A number between 10 and 10000 (Kilobits per second).
Indicates the (maximum) transmission speed on the WAN link.
[encaps] The type of encapsulation to be used for the relayed PPPoA interface.
Choose between:
G vcmux (default)
G nlpid
[ac] Before relaying the encapsulated PPP frames over the PPPoA link,
make sure that the address and control field (0xFF03) is always in
front of the frames (always), make sure the address and control field
will never be found in front of the frames (never) or do not change
the frames arriving via the PPTP tunnel (keep).
By default the address and control field is never sent (compliant to
RFC2364). It is recommended to keep this setting.
=>pptp iflist
C:# Name VP VC Rate Encap AC Usage [by]
0 RELAY_PPP1 8 48 0K vcmux never DEFINED
1 RELAY_PPP2 8 49 0K vcmux never DEFINED
2 RELAY_PPP3 8 50 0K vcmux never DEFINED
3 RELAY_PPP4 8 51 0K vcmux never DEFINED
4 Test 8 52 6000K nlpid keep DEFINED
=>pptp ifconfig intf=Test rate=2ooK encaps=vcmux ac=always
=>pptp iflist
C:# Name VP VC Rate Encap AC Usage [by]
0 RELAY_PPP1 8 48 0K vcmux never DEFINED
1 RELAY_PPP2 8 49 0K vcmux never DEFINED
2 RELAY_PPP3 8 50 0K vcmux never DEFINED
3 RELAY_PPP4 8 51 0K vcmux never DEFINED
4 Test 8 52 200K vcmux always DEFINED
pptp ifadd Add a PPTP interface.
pptp ifdelete Delete a PPTP interface.
pptp iflist Show current PPTP interfaces.