Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 350I Modem User Manual

1 Bridge Commands
25 / 138
3EC 16982 AGAA TCZZA Ed. 01
bridge macadd
Add a static MAC address to the filtering database. Allows to manually add static addresses, which
should normally be dynamically discovered by the bridge itself.
bridge macadd port = <name>
hwaddr = <hardwareĆaddress>
intf The name of the bridge interface to add the MAC address for. REQUIRED
hwaddr The MAC address of the new entry. REQUIRED
=>bridge maclist
00:90:d0:01:02:03 –– static, OBC
ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff –– static, OBC
01:80:c2:00:00:00 –– static, OBC
01:80:c2:00:00:01 –– static, OBC
01:80:c2:00:00:10 –– static, OBC
00:01:42:5f:7d:81 –– dynamic, eth0, 597 seconds
00:50:8b:31:cc:aa –– dynamic, eth0, 513 seconds
08:00:20:c1:9a:12 –– dynamic, eth0, 600 seconds
=>bridge macadd port=eth0 hwaddr=00:80:9f:01:23:45
=>bridge maclist
00:90:d0:01:02:03 –– static, OBC
ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff –– static, OBC
01:80:c2:00:00:00 –– static, OBC
01:80:c2:00:00:01 –– static, OBC
01:80:c2:00:00:10 –– static, OBC
00:80:9f:01:23:45 –– permanent, OBC
00:01:42:5f:7d:81 –– dynamic, eth0, 598 seconds
00:50:8b:31:cc:aa –– dynamic, eth0, 379 seconds
08:00:20:c1:9a:12 –– dynamic, eth0, 600 seconds
00:08:c7:c3:5f:fc –– dynamic, eth0, 215 seconds
bridge macdelete Delete a MAC address entry.
bridge maclist Show current filtering database.