BIOS Setup
form your hard disk vendor or the system manufacturer.
CYLS. Number of cylinders
HEADS number of heads
PRECOMP write precomp
LANDZONE Landing zone
SECTORS number of sectors
If a hard disk has not been installed select NONE and press <Enter>.
• Floppy Drive A / Drive B
The category identifies the types of floppy disk drive A or drive B that has been installed in the computer.
None No floppy drive installed
360K, 5.25 in. 5.25 inch PC-type standard drive; 360K byte capacity.
1.2M, 5.25 in. 5.25 inch AT-type high-density drive; 1.2M byte
capacity (3.5 inch when 3 Mode is Enabled).
720K, 3.5 in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 720K byte capacity
1.44M, 3.5 in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 1.44M byte capacity.
2.88M, 3.5 in. 3.5 inch double-sided drive; 2.88M byte capacity.
• Boot Sector Virus Protection
If it is set to enable, the category will flash on the screen when there is any attempt to write to the boot sector
or partition table of the hard disk drive. The system will halt and the following error message will appear in the
mean time. You can run anti-virus program to locate the problem.
Enabled Activate automatically when the system boots up causing a
warning message to appear when anything attempts to
access the boot sector or hard disk partition table
Disabled No warning message to appear when anything attempts to
access the boot sector or hard disk partition table. (Default
• Memory
The category is display-only which is determined by POST (Power On Self Test) of the BIOS.
Base Memory
The POST of the BIOS will determine the amount of base (or conventional) memory installed in the
The value of the base memory is typically 512 K for systems with 512 K memory installed on the
motherboard, or 640 K for systems with 640 K or more memory installed on the motherboard.
Extended Memory
The BIOS determines how much extended memory is present during the POST.
This is the amount of memory located above 1 MB in the CPU's memory address map.
Other Memory
This refers to the memory located in the 640 K to 1024 K address space. This is memory that can be
used for different applications.
DOS uses this area to load device drivers to keep as much base memory free for application
programs. Most use for this area is Shadow RAM