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RAID 50 Striping over the member RAID 5 volumes. RAID 50 allows
two hard drives fails or unplugging, but at different arrays.
RAID 60 Striping over the member RAID 6 volumes. RAID 40 allows
four hard drives fails or unplugging, but each two at different
JBOD The abbreviation of “Just a Bunch Of Disks”. No protection of
data. VG fails if any hard drive fails or unplugs.
4.2 VG migration and expansion
To migrate the RAID level, please follow the below procedures. If the VG
migrates to the same RAID level of the original VG, it is expansion.
1. Select “/ Volume config / Volume group”.
2. Decide which VG to be migrated, click the blue square button “ /
” in the RAID column next the RAID level.
3. Change the RAID level by clicking the down arrow mark “ ”.
There will be a pup-up which shows if the HDD is not enough to
support the new RAID level, click “ ” to increase
hard drives, then click “ “ to go back to setup page.
When doing migration to lower RAID level, such as the original RAID
level is RAID 6 and user wants to migrate to RAID 0, the controller will
evaluate this operation is safe or not, and display "Sure to migrate to
a lower protection array?” to give user warning.
4. Double check the setting of RAID level and RAID PD slot. If no problem,
click “ “.
5. Finally a confirmation page shows detail RAID info. If no problem, click
“ “ to start migration. Controller also pops up a
message of “Warning: power lost during migration may cause
damage of data!” to give user warning. When the power is abnormally
off during migration, the data is in high risk.
6. Migration starts and it can be seen from the “status 3” of a VG with a
running square and an “M”. In “/ Volume config / User data volume”,
it displays an “M” in “Status 4” and complete percentage of migration
in “R%”.