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Warning VG Created Fail Warning: Fail to create VG <name>.
Info VG Deleted Info: VG <name> has been deleted.
Info UDV Created OK Info: UDV <name> has been created.
Warning UDV Created Fail Warning: Fail to create UDV <name>.
Info UDV Deleted Info: UDV <name> has been deleted.
Info UDV Attached OK Info: UDV <name> has been LUN-attached.
Warning UDV Attached Fail Warning: Fail to attach LUN to UDV <name>.
Info UDV Detached OK Info: UDV <name> has been detached.
Warning UDV Detached Fail Warning: Fail to detach LUN from Bus
<number> SCSI_ID <number> LUN <number>.
Info UDV_OP Rebuild
Info: UDV <name> starts rebuilding.
Info UDV_OP Rebuild
Info: UDV <name> completes rebuilding.
Warning UDV_OP Rebuild
Warning: Fail to complete UDV <name>
Info UDV_OP Migrate
Info: UDV <name> starts migration.
Info UDV_OP Migrate
Info: UDV <name> completes migration.
Warning UDV_OP Migrate
Warning: Fail to complete UDV <name>
Warning VG Degraded Warning: VG <name> is under degraded mode.
Warning UDV Degraded Warning: UDV <name> is under degraded
Info UDV Init OK Info: UDV <name> completes the initialization.
Warning UDV_OP Stop
Warning: Fail to complete UDV <name>
Warning UDV IO Fault Error: IO failure for stripe number <number> in
UDV <name>.
Warning VG Failed Error: Fail to access VG <name>.
Warning UDV Failed Error: Fail to access UDV <name>.
Warning Global CV
Adjustment Failed
Error: Fail to adjust the size of the global cache.
Info Global Cache Info: The global cache is OK.
Error Global CV Creation
Error: Fail to create the global cache.
Info UDV Rename Info: UDV <name> has been renamed as
Info VG Rename Info: VG <name> has been renamed as
Info Set VG Dedicated
Spare Disks
Info: Assign Disk <slot> to be VG <name>
dedicated spare disk.
Info Set Global Disks Info: Assign Disk <slot> to the Global Spare
Info UDV Read-Only Info: UDV <name> is a read-only volume.
Info WRBK Cache
Info: Use the write-back cache policy for UDV
Info WRTHRU Cache
Info: Use the write-through cache policy for UDV
Info High priority UDV Info: UDV <name> is set to high priority.
Info Mid Priority UDV Info: UDV <name> is set to mid priority.
Info Low Priority UDV Info: UDV <name> is set to low priority.
Error PD configuration Error: PD <slot> lba <#> length <#> config