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Info Non-ECC installed Info: Non-ECC Memory is installed.
Error Host chip failure Error: Host channel chip failed.
Error Drive chip failure Error: Drive channel chip failed.
Warning Ethernet port failure
Warning: GUI Ethernet port failed.
· HDD IO events
Level Type Description
Warning Disk error Error: Disk <slot> read block error.
Warning Disk error Error: Disk <slot> writes block error.
Warning HDD failure Error: Disk <slot> is failed.
Warning Channel error Error: Disk <slot> IO incomplete.
· SES events
Level Type Description
Info SES load conf. OK Info: SES configuration has been loaded.
Warning SES Load Conf.
Error: Failed to load SES configuration. The
SES device is disabled.
Info SES is disabled Info: The SES device is disabled.
Info SES is enabled Info: The SES device is enabled
· Environmental events
Level Type Description
Info Admin Login OK Info: Admin login from <IP or serial console> via
<Web UI or Console UI>.
Info Admin Logout OK Info: Admin logout from <IP or serial console>
via <Web UI or Console UI>.
Info iSCSI data port
Info: iSCSI login from <IQN> (<IP:Port
Number>) succeeds.
Warning iSCSI data port
login reject
Warning: iSCSI login from <IQN> (<IP:Port
Number>) was rejected, reason of
1. initiator error
2. authentication failure
3. authorization failure
4. target not found
5. unsupported version
6. too many connections
7. missing parameter
8. session does not exist
9. target error
10. out of resources
11. unknown
Error Thermal critical Error: System Overheated!!! The system will do
the auto shutdown immediately.
Warning Thermal warning Warning: System temperature is a little bit
Error Voltage critical Error: System voltages failed!!! The system will
do the auto shutdown immediately