connection to PC
U S B (Universal Serial Bus) is an innovation in connecting your IBM-compatible computer to your monitor. By using the USB, you will be able
to connect your keyboard, mouse, printer, and other peripherals to your monitor instead of having to connect them to your computer. This
will give you greater flexibility in setting up your system. Plus, you will have true plug-and-play capability. Philips provides for the optional
U S B Hub so you will be ready to take advantage of this advancement in computer development.
For an IBM-compatible Computer:
1 . Tu r n off the computer.
2 . I n s e rt the (optional) USB Hub and connect the
USB cable to the computer. (Computer must have
USB port . )
3 . Tu r n on the monitor. Then turn on the computer.
4 . With the installation of the correct software, you
will be able to connect USB peripherals to the
m o n i t o r’s USB Hub.
1-USB Hub and cables sold separately. The USB
Bay is located in back of monitor.
2- Please refer to the USB Hub’s manual and
installation guide for more details.
Refer to the “Setting Up your Philips flat panel monitor” foldout for a more detailed guide to set up your monitor.