Text lines up in columns on the screen but not when it prints
You may have used spaces (rather than tabs) to line up the text. Because
printers interpret spaces differently than the screen does, the text may fail to
line up when you print it. Try replacing the spaces with tabs.
You can also make columns by using spaces with a monospace font—such as
Courier or Monaco—instead of tabs. A monospace font is one in which every
character has the same width.
Everything prints backwards
Choose the Print command and check what paper type you’ve selected in the
dialog box that opens. If you indicate that you’re printing on back-print film,
the printer reverses the image.
There are watermark problems
The wrong watermark printed.
If you selected one watermark, but a different one printed, you can fix it by
changing the modification date and time of one of the watermark files. To
change the modification date, open one of the files, then save it using the Save
As command. (The watermark files are stored in the Printing Prefs folder,
which is in the Preferences folder inside the System Folder.) When asked if
you want to replace the file, say yes.
I created a new watermark, but it doesn’t show up in the dialog box.
m Make sure the watermark was saved as a PICT or PICT2 file.
m Make sure the file was saved in the Printing Prefs folder, which is in the
Preferences folder inside the System Folder.