Apple Elite Series Computer Drive User Manual

concerning “bootability” of system copies.
After you’ve plowed through all of the above
confusion, and finally decide you’ve chosen the
right command and then hit <RETURN>, COPY will
respond with:
Insert SOURCE disk into drive <source>:
Insert TARGET disk into drive <target>:
Press RETURN to begin
provided your <source> and <target> are two
different drives. If your <source> and <target>
are the same drive, then COPY will say:
Insert SOURCE disk and press RETURN
Insert the diskette(s) COPY requests, and then
press <RETURN>.
On single drive copies, COPY will first read in
as much information as it can into memory from
the source diskette, and then say:
Insert TARGET disk and press RETURN
You should then insert the requested diskette
and press <RETURN>.
Single drive copying will continue like this
until all the information is copied. Two drive
copies will run all the way through without any
assist from you.
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