and a supported browser. A locally managed system requires all
of the following components:
• A supported Web browser, which should already be installed on
the system.
• Install ArcHttp proxy server on the SATA RAID system. (Refer to
Chapter 5, Archttp Proxy Server Installation)
• Remote and managed systems must have a TCP/IP connection.
For windows, if there is no volume set created by the MC-
BIOS manager, Archttp program can not nd raid card. It
will show "0 controllers found". From the version 1.71 of the
Archttp and the version of the driver, users no
longer need to have a "valid raid volume" created in order to
managed controller.
To congure the internal SATA RAID controller. You need to know
its IP Address.
(1). Launch your McRAID Storage Manager by entering http://
[Computer IP Address]:[port number] in the web browser.
(2). When connection is established, the System Login screen
appears. The SATA RAID controller default User Name is “admin”
and the Password is “0000”
• Another method to start-up McRAID Storage Man-
ager from Windows Local Administration
Screen captures in this section are taken from a Windows XP
installation. If you are running another version of Windows, your
screens may look different, but the ArcHttp proxy server installa-
tion is essentially the same.
1. To start the McRAID Storage Manager for browser-based
management, selecting Controller#01(PCI) and then click the
Start Button.