2001 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39024B-page 27
Using the MPLAB
C17 C Compiler
movlw HIGH _start
movwf PCLATH
movlw LOW _start
movwf PCL
_start_section CODE
;Beginning of startup code
; Optionally call the routine that copies initlialized data ;
; from program memory to data memory. ;
movlw HIGH copy_init_data
movwf PCLATH
lcall copy_init_data
; Set up the stack for use with function arguments and local ;
; (auto) variables. ;
BANKSEL _stack ;Switch to bank where the stack pointer is
movlw _stack+2 ;Store the address of the stack pointer + 2
movwf _stack ;Into the stack pointer
; Branch to main() in the C program ;
movlw HIGH main
movwf PCLATH
movlw LOW main
movwf PCL