Arizona 17 Network Card User Manual

2001 Microchip Technology Inc. DS39024B-page 71
C.C Description
9.6 I2C.C Source Code Listing
//* I2C.C
//* Rodger Richey
//* Principal Applications Engineer
//* Microchip Technology Incorporated
//* 2 December 1998
//* Compiled using MPLAB C17 C Compiler V2.20
//* This program reads and writes to the 24LC01B
//* Serial EEPROM using the master mode I2C module.
//* The value of the address is written to each
//* address of the EEPROM. The program then reads
//* the value out of the EEPROM and prints both
//* the desired value and the read value to the
//* USART2 for display on the Monitor program. The
//* address is also displayed on the memory mapped
//* LEDs.
//* Uses an oscillator of 16MHz
#include <p17c756.h>
#include <delays.h>
#include <i2c16.h>
#include <usart16.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void PutsUSART2(char *data);
void PutcUSART2(char data);
// Prints a string to USART2 using hardware handshaking;
void PutsUSART2(char *data)
// Wait for USART2 to finish prev operation
// Wait for CTS
// Write a character to USART2
} while(*data++); // Increment pointer and check for NULL
// Prints a character to USART2 using hardware handshaking
void PutcUSART2(char data)
while(BusyUSART2()); // Wait for
USART2 to finish
while(PORTBbits.RB4); // Wait for CTS