Page 3-1
This chapter explains how to access and use a Personality Module’s
Device Page. The Device Page provides access to the Personality Mod-
ule’s management options.
Accessing the Device Page
To access the Device Page for an AsantéFAST 100 Hub stack, you must
first create a map of the network.
1 Make sure the Personality Module is installed and the
IntraSpection Application Server is running.
2 Access IntraSpection from any Java-enabled Web
browser (requires logging into IntraSpection).
▲ Important: For help on accessing and logging
into IntraSpection, refer to the IntraSpection
User’s Manual.
3 After you are logged into IntraSpection, click Auto
Discovery on the IntraSpection Main Menu.
The AutoDiscovery Page appears.
4 Complete each field on the AutoDiscovery Page, fol-
lowing the guidelines below:
❏ Type the IP subnet address of the AsantéFAST 100
Hub stack to be managed in the Segment field.
(This is the subnet address of the stack’s manage-
ment module; the default setting for this field is
the subnet address of the browser being used to
access IntraSpection.)
❏ Type the management module’s community string
in the Community field.
100NMM PM book Page 1 Wednesday, August 27, 1997 12:40 PM