4.4.4 Non-Volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) Admin
This screen allows the user to save any configuration
changes that are made, or to restore the default
settings (choosing Restore Defaults without Boot
Parameters will reset most defaults, but not the IP
address and boot loader configuration). Highlight the
desired choice and press Enter. Select Yes to
confirm. You may also save any changes to NVRAM
at each sub-menu by pressing Ctrl+W and selecting
Yes to confirm.
4.4.5 Firmware Update
This screen allows users to select an image file and the location from where it can be downloaded using
TFTP. There are three options: Net, Net & Save, and Last Saved (Please refer to Chapter 5 when updating
• Net option—This option allows the user to try
out a new image before upgrading. It
requires a TFTP filename and a server IP
address to retrieve the specified image from
the given IP address.
• Net & Save option—This option requires the
same setup as the Net option, i.e. TFTP
server and a new image. However, it copies
the image to the flash directly and the
system reboots from the flash afterwards.
• Last Saved option—This option will
automatically take effect after the Net & Save option is selected and the unit is reset.
Note: The previous image in the flash will be lost when the procedure completes.
4.4.6 Reset
To reset the switch to its original default settings,
select Reset from the System Manager menu. Select
Yes to proceed, and press Enter.