Asus 820E Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS CUC2 Users Manual60
Notes for JumperFree Mode
CPU Upgrade/Reinstallation
To ensure that your system can enter BIOS setup after the processor has been changed
or reinstalled, your system will start up running at a bus speed of 100MHz and a fail-
safe CPU internal frequency (4x100MHz for the Intel Coppermine processor or
2x100MHz for non-Coppermine processors). It will then automatically take you to
the Advanced menu with a popup menu of all the officially possible CPU internal
JumperFree Mode
USB Legacy Support [Auto]
This motherboard supports Universal Serial Bus (USB) devices. The default of [Auto]
allows the system to detect a USB device on startup. If detected, USB controller
legacy mode will be enabled. If not detected, USB controller legacy mode will be
disabled. When this field is set to [Disabled], USB controller legacy mode is dis-
abled no matter whether you are using a USB device or not. Configuration options:
[Disabled] [Enabled] [Auto]
OS/2 Onboard Memory > 64M [Disabled]
When using OS/2 operating systems with installed DRAM of greater than 64MB,
you need to set this option to [Enabled]; otherwise, leave this on [Disabled]. Con-
figuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]