Asus P8B-C SERIES Computer Hardware User Manual

5-38 Chapter 5: RAID conguration
6. The Create New Volume screen shows the disks you can add to make up
the RAID 1 volume. Use the arrow key to select a disk, then move the cursor
to the RAID Disk column. To include this disk in the array, press <+>, <->, or
By default, the RAID Disk eld shows No before volume creation. This eld is
grayed out under the following conditions:
The disk does not meet the minimum requirements for use in a RAID
The disk is not large enough to mirror existing data on the primary drive.
The disk is already part of another volume.
Esc = Exit Menu F1/Shift+1 = Help
SPACE/+/- = Select disk for volume C = Create volume
LSI Corp Cong Utility v7.07.00.00 (2010.04.30)
Create New Volume -- SAS2008
Volume Type: RAID 1
Volume Size(GB): -------
Slot Device Identier RAID Drive Pred Size
Num Disk Status Fail (GB)
0 ATA ST3160812AS E [No] ---------- No 149
1 ATA ST3160812AS E [No] ---------- No 149
2 ATA ST3160812AS E [No] ---------- No 149
3 ATA ST3160812AS E [No] ---------- No 149
7. Repeat step 6 to add the second disk to the volume.
8. When done, press <C> to create the volume, then select Save changes
then exit this menu.
9. The utility creates the volume.
Create and save new volume?
Cancel Exit
Save changes then exit this menu
Discard changes then exit this menu
Exit the Conguration Utility and Reboot
Processing...may take up to 1 minute
Creating RAID Volume...
LSI Corp Cong Utility v7.07.00.00 (2010.04.30)