Asus P8B-C SERIES Computer Hardware User Manual

5-46 Chapter 5: RAID conguration
4. Use the arrow key to select the disk you would like to congure as hot spare,
then move the cursor to the Hot Spr column. Press <+>, <->, or <Space>.
Press <C> to commit the changes, then select Save changes then exit this
menu. The Drive Status column eld now shows Hot Spare.
Running a consistency check
To run a consistency check on the RAID volume:
1. Follow steps 1–3 of the section Viewing volume properties and step 2 of
the section Managing hot spares.
2. From the Manage Volume screen select Consistency Check, then press
3. The below screen appears. Press <Y> to start the consistency check on the
RAID volume.
Esc = Exit Menu F1/Shift+1 = Help
Enter = Select Item
LSI Corp Cong Utility v7.07.00.00 (2010.04.30)
Manage Volume -- SAS2008
Consistency Check of volume may take several hours to complete.
Y Start volume consistency check and exit this menu
N Abandon volume consistency check and exit this menu
Esc = Exit Menu F1/Shift+1 = Help
Enter=Select Item Alt+N=Next Volume
LSI Corp Cong Utility v7.07.00.00 (2010.04.30)
View Volume -- SAS2008
Volume 1 of 1
Identier LSI Logical Volume 3000
Type RAID 1
Size(GB) 148
Status Optimal
Task None
Manage Volume
Slot Device Identier RAID Hot Drive Pred Size
Num Disk Spr Status Fail (GB)
0 ATA ST3160812AS E Yes No Primary No 148
1 ATA ST3160812AS E Yes No Secondary No 148
2 ATA ST3160812AS E No Yes Hot Spare No 148