Chapter 9 External Service Management
Quick FAQ
Broadcast Server User Guide
Quick FAQ
The External Service Page
The Active checkbox indicates whether the External Service record is
active in Broadcast Server – that is, whether the service is available to
Broadcast Server users when they create alerts. At minimum, an External
Service definition must have a name, description, and URL. You must
provide this information before you can save the record.
Icon Description
The service record has been deactivated. This service will
not be available to Broadcast Server users when they
create alerts.
How do I … Description
Add a new External Service Click the Add Service button at the top of the list. This will
open the External Service Page.
Edit an External Service Click the description in the record you want to modify.
This will open the External Service Page.
Delete one or more External
Check the box next to each record you want to delete, or
check the box in the list’s title to select all records
displayed. Then, click the Delete Selected button.
Prevent users from using an
External Service
Edit the service record, uncheck the Active checkbox, and
save your changes.
Disable an External Service in
existing alerts
Edit the service record, uncheck the Active checkbox, and
save your changes.