X330WAN Default Settings
The default settings for the X330WAN and its ports are determined by its embedded software.
These default settings are subject to change. Newer versions of the software for the X330WAN
can be downloaded from the Avaya Network Software Download Web site
(http://www.avayanetwork.com). If you wish to change the default parameters, we recom-
mend that you use the CLI. Please refer to the Avaya X330WAN User’s Guide.
Function Default Setting
Port Speed (Fast Ethernet) 100 Mbps
Port Duplex (Fast Ethernet) Full Duplex
Auto Negotiation (Fast Ethernet) Enabled
WAN Mode (WAN) T1
Framing (WAN) SF
Linecode (WAN) ami
Clock Source (WAN) line
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X330WAN CLI Entry Login Login name: root, Password: root