User Manual MFGD 3420 18
The Measurements info menu contains the following items:
Internal Temperature ....The temperature measured inside the display
Sensor Temperature ....The internal temperature measured on the I-
Guard board
FAN speed ...................A value indicating the speed of the fans.
Minimum speed is 0, maximum speed is 1000
Sensor Y value .............The luminance measured by the I-Guard,
expressed in nit (Cd/m²)
Sensor DAC value .......The luminance measured by the I-Guard,
expressed in DAC values
Scan Measurements
The Scan Measurements info menu contains the following
DVI Input: ................ The current DVI input format
Resolution: .............. The resolution of the current input signal
Clock Frequency: .... The current clock frequency
Hor.Total: ................. The total number of dots, horizontally, of the
input signal
Hor.Active:............... The number of active dots, horizontally, of the
input signal
Hor.Blanking:........... The horizontal blanking of the input signal
Hor.Front Porch: ...... The horizontal front porch of the input signal
Hor.Sync: ................ The horizontal sync length of the input signal
Hor.Back Porch: ...... The horizontal back porch of the input signal
Hor.Frequency: ....... The horizontal frequency of the input signal
Vert.Total: ................ The total number of lines, vertically, of the input
Vert.Active: .............. The number of active lines, vertically, of the input
Vert.Blanking: .......... The vertical blanking of the input signal
Vert.Front Porch: ..... The vertical front porch of the input signal
Vert.Sync:................ The vertical sync length of the input signal
Vert.Back Porch: ..... The vertical back porch of the input signal
Vert.Frequency:....... The vertical frequency of the input signal