50 _______________________________________________________ Barco - LC-5621 - User manual
List of abbreviations for all units
10 List of abbreviations for all units
This list of abbreviations is drawn up for all Barco units. Some of these
abbreviations are not applicable for the product described in this manual.
µC Microcontroller
AC Alternating Current
ActEv Action and Events
ADC Analog Digital Converter
ADP Auxiliary Display Panel
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AIB Analog Input Board
ALC Ambient Light Controller
AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display
APA Automatic Phase Adjust
APPLIC Application
AR coating Anti-Reflective coating
BIB Backlight Inverter Board, Backlight Input Board
BIT Built In Test
BIL Barco Intermodule Link
BLOS Backlight OpticaL Stabilisation
BNC Bayonet Neil-Concelman or British Naval Connector
CAN Controller Area Network
CCFL Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp
CM Console mounted
COMM Communication
Conn. Connector
CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device
CPU Central Processing Unit
CS Composite Sync
CVBS Composite Video Burst Sync
Db Decibels
DC Direct Current
DCM Display Control Module
DDC Direct Digital Controls