Wireless E911 Guide CG-EWCG-001
Network Specifications and Ordering Issue 3, January 6, 2004
II testing and implementation. BellSouth requires that Wireless Carriers provide notification in writing
upon the selection or change in MPC providers.
BellSouth is not responsible for the location determination technology, the accuracy of the location
determination technology, or the investigation or maintenance of said technologies. Only the data required
and specified by the FCC in its Report and Order 94-102 will be delivered by BellSouth to the PSAP when
provided by the CMRS. This required data includes the cell site or sector location, the callback number,
and the longitude/latitude of the caller. The delivery, or lack of delivery, of additional data elements which
may be provided by the Wireless Carrier will not be the responsibility of BellSouth and BellSouth assumes
no responsibility or liability for such information.
3.5 Interface Testing
Wireless Carriers shall conduct joint testing of wireless interfaces to the BellSouth ALI computers. Testing
will be required for first occurrences of a particular interface or vendor, and whenever changes are made to
an existing interface.
Testing shall be conducted with Intrado utilizing their test facility in Colorado, as well as field testing with
the BellSouth production ALI computers within the BellSouth region. Charges may be incurred by the
Wireless Carrier for this testing. Details shall be specified in interface agreements.
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