CG-EWCG-001 Wireless E911 Guide
Issue 3, January 6, 2004 Table of Contents
Subject Page
Introduction / Revision History . . . . . . . . ............................. vii
Purpose ...................................................... vii
Version Information ..............................................
1. Overview of E911 . . . . ....................................... 1
1.1 Definition of E911 .............................................
1.1.1 Selective Routing ...........................................
1.1.2 Automatic Number Identification (ANI) .............................
1.1.3 Automatic Location Identification (ALI) ............................
1.1.4 Premises Based ALI Systems ....................................
1.2 PSAP Display ................................................
1.3 Databases Required to Support E911 .................................
1.4 Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) ................................ 3
1.5 Telephone Number (TN) Database .................................. 3
1.6 E911 Tandem / Network Information ................................. 4
1.7 Glossary of Terms .............................................
1.8 Database Escalation Procedures .................................... 8
1.8.1 Access To NDSC Analysts ..................................... 8
1.8.2 Level One Escalation: Intrado ................................... 8
1.8.3 Level Two Escalation: Intrado ................................... 8
1.8.4 Level Three Escalation: Bellsouth ................................. 8
2. Coordination of Wireless Interconnection . . . . . . . ................... 9
2.1 Overview ...................................................
2.2 Coordination Process: Wireless Carrier ............................... 9
2.3 Coordination Process: BST Wireless Account Team ....................... 10
2.4 Coordination Process: BST Wireless E911 Implementation Manager ............ 10
2.5 Coordination Process: Mobile Position Center Provider ..................... 11
2.5.1 Steps for Establishment/Change of Mobile Position Center Provider ........... 11
2.5.2 Initial Establishment of Mobile Position Center Provider .................. 12
2.5.3 Change of Mobile Position Center Provider ........................... 12
2.5.4 Information Required for Phase 2 MPC/GMLC Circuits to the ALI Hosts ....... 12
2.5.5 Forms ................................................... 13
3. Network Specifications and Ordering ............................. 15
3.1 Overview ................................................... 15
3.2 Specifications & Ordering Process: .................................. 15
3.2.1 Option 1: BellSouth NORTEL Solution Carring Phase 1 Data Only (CBN & pANI) 15
3.2.2 Specification & Ordering Process: Option 2: Third Party Vendor Solution ....... 16
3.3 Wireless Carrier Owned Hardware .................................. 16
3.3.1 Trunking ................................................. 16
3.3.2 Data Connections Required For Wireless Carrier Owned Hardware - Phase 1 Only . 17
3.4 Wireless Phase 2 .............................................. 17
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