34 en | Cable and Wire Standards AutoDome Power Supply Boxes
F.01U.250.895 | 1.0 | 2011.08 Installation Guide Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
3.5 Fiber Optic Module with an RS232/RS422
An AutoDome with a fiber optic module is prewired to operate
with Biphase signals only. This section describes the
procedures necessary to control a VG5 series AutoDome fitted
with a fiber optic kit using an RS232 controller or a Pelco®
RS422 controller.
To control a VG5 Series Autodome from an RS232 or from a
Pelco RS422 controller you must run control wires from the
controller to an LTC 4629 head-end fiber optic module.
3.5.1 Connecting to an LTC 4629 Head End Data/Video
1. Connect the RS232 cable (TxD from the controller) to the
RS232 RxD port (pin 1) of the LTC 4629.
2. Connect the ground wire of the controller to Pin 2 on the
LTC 4629.
3.5.2 Configuring the VG5 AutoDome
1. Disconnect the power to the VG4 power supply unit; then
open the unit.
2. Remove the green Serial Communications wire from the
P106 connector.
3. Remove the 100 Ω resistor across the C+ and C- pins.
4. Cut the five wires from the green Serial Communications
wire mating connector.
Ensure that the insulation covers each wire to avoid wires
from touching.
5. Cut back the insulation on the blue (ground) wire and on
the green (RxD) wire enough to be able to connect these
wires back into the P106 connector.
6. Connect the blue (ground) wire to the C- pin on the P106