Brocade Communications Systems 6650 Switch User Manual

176 Brocade ICX 6650 Security Configuration Guide
802.1X port security configuration
The re-authentication interval is a global setting, applicable to all 802.1X-enabled interfaces. To
re-authenticate Clients connected to a specific port manually, use the dot1x re-authenticate
command. Refer to “Re-authenticating a port manually”, below.
Re-authenticating a port manually
When periodic re-authentication is enabled, by default the Brocade device re-authenticates Clients
connected to an 802.1X-enabled interface every 3,600 seconds (or the time specified by the dot1x
timeout re-authperiod command). You can also manually re-authenticate Clients connected to a
specific port.
For example, to re-authenticate Clients connected to interface 1/3/1, enter the following
Brocade# dot1x re-authenticate e 1/3/1
Syntax: dot1x re-authenticate ethernet port
Specify the port variable in stack-unit/slotnum/portnum format.
Setting the quiet period
If the Brocade device is unable to authenticate the Client, the Brocade device waits a specified
amount of time before trying again. The amount of time the Brocade device waits is specified with
the quiet-period parameter. The quiet-period parameter can be from 1 – 4294967295 seconds.
The default is 60 seconds.
For example, to set the quiet period to 30 seconds, enter the following command.
Brocade(config-dot1x)# timeout quiet-period 30
Syntax: [no] timeout quiet-period seconds
Specifying the wait interval and number of EAP-request/
identity frame retransmissions from the Brocade device
When the Brocade device sends an EAP-request/identity frame to a Client, it expects to receive an
EAP-response/identity frame from the Client. By default, if the Brocade device does not receive an
EAP-response/identity frame from a Client, the device waits 30 seconds, then retransmits the
EAP-request/identity frame. Also by default, the Brocade device retransmits the
EAP-request/identity frame a maximum of two times. You can optionally configure the amount of
time the device will wait before retransmitting an EAP-request/identity frame, and the number of
times the EAP-request/identity frame will be transmitted. This section provides the command
syntax for these features.
Setting the wait interval for EAP frame retransmissions
By default, if the Brocade device does not receive an EAP-response/identity frame from a Client,
the device waits 30 seconds, then retransmits the EAP-request/identity frame. You can optionally
change the amount of time the Brocade device waits before retransmitting the
EAP-request/identity frame to the Client.