General Information
Direct Print
Submenu Options Descriptions
Paper Size A4 / Letter* / JIS B5 / B5 / A5 / A5 L /
A6 / Executive / Legal / Folio / 3X5 /
Com-10 / Monarch / C5 / DL
Set the paper size when printing directly from
the USB flash drive.
Media Type Plain Paper* / Thick Paper /
Thicker Paper / Thin Paper /
Recycled Paper / Bond Paper /
Label / Envelope / Env. Thick / Env.
Thin / Glossy Paper
Set the print media type when printing directly
from the USB flash drive.
Multiple Page 1in1* / 2in1 / 4in1 / 9in1 / 16in1 /
25in1 / 1 in 2X2 pages/ 1 in 3X3
pages / 1 in 4X4 pages / 1 in 5X5
Set the page layout when printing multiple
pages directly from the USB flash drive.
Orientation Portrait* / Landscape Set the page orientation when printing directly
from the USB flash drive.
Collate On* / Off Enable or disable page collation when printing
directly from the USB flash drive.
Print Quality Normal*
/ Fine Set the print quality option when printing
directly from the USB flash drive.
PDF Option Document* / Document&Stamps /
Set the USB direct print setting to print either
comments (Markup) or stamps in the PDF file
along with the text.
Index Print Simple* / Details Print a thumbnail page.
The factory settings are shown in Bold with an asterisk.