Set pitch to 12 characters per inch
EscM (27)(77) <1Bh><4Dh>
This command sets the printing pitch to 12 characters per inch (cpi).
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(77); 'Set pitch to 12 cpi
Select / cancel proportional spacing
Escpn (27)(112)n <1Bh><70h>n
• This command allows you to turn proportional spacing on or off.
• Setting n to 1 turns proportional spacing on. Subsequent text is printed proportionally spaced.
• Setting n to 0 turns proportional spacing off. Subsequent text is printed monospaced.
• When you specify the value for n you can use the character codes for ‘0’ and ‘1’ (48 and 49) instead
of 0 and 1.
• Selecting proportional spacing cancels condensed character mode.
• You cannot use the backspace, BS, code in proportional spacing mode.
• If you change the character pitch using Esc P or Esc M, proportional spacing is automatically turned
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(112); CHR$(1); 'Turn proportional spacing on
Select condensed character mode I
SI (15) <0Fh>
• This command selects condensed character mode. Subsequent text characters are condensed
horizontally when printed.
• Selecting proportional spacing cancels condensed character mode.
LPRINT CHR$(15); 'Set condensed character mode
Select condensed character mode II
EscSI (27)(15) <1B><0F>
• This command selects condensed character mode. Subsequent text characters are condensed
horizontally when printed.
• Selecting proportional spacing cancels condensed character mode.
• This command functions exactly like the SI control code.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(15); 'Set condensed character mode
Cancel condensed character mode
DC2 (18) <12h>
This command cancels condensed character mode. Subsequent text characters are printed normally.
LPRINT CHR$(18); 'Cancel condensed character mode
Select emphasized character mode
EscE (27)(69) <1Bh><45h>
This command turns emphasized character mode on. Subsequent text is printed with a bold stroke width.
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(69); 'Turn emphasized character mode on
Cancel emphasized character mode
EscF (27)(70) <1Bh><46h>
This command turns emphasized character mode off. Subsequent text is printed with a medium stroke
LPRINT CHR$(27); CHR$(70); 'Turn emphasized character mode off