Function Equivalent
Fill type FT; Bi-directional fill, type 1
Fill distance FT; 1% of distance from P1 to P2
Fill slant FT; 0 degrees
Pen thickness PT; Set at 0.3 mm
Pen condition PU; Pen up
Rotation RO; Set at 0 degrees
Scaling points IP; Initialized according to
paper size
3.2. Plot Area and Unit Setting Instructions
Instruction Function
IP Scaling point
SC Scale
IW Input window
RO Rotate coordinate system
PG Page output
IP - Input scaling point
IP [ P1
X, P1Y [,P2X, P2Y]] [;]
X ; X coordinate of P1 P1Y ; Y coordinate of P1
X ; X coordinate of P2 P2Y ; Y coordinate of P2
• The coordinate values used are absolute values in graphics units.
• Sets the location of the scaling points(P1, P2).
• Coordinate values for P1
X, P1Y, P2X and P2Y are given as integer numbers.
The IP instruction is ignored when the set coordinates are outside the print area.
• Using this instruction without a parameter field initializes the scaling points(P1, P2).
• P2
X and P2Y may be omitted. (If P2X and P2Y are omitted, P2 is set automatically so as not to alter the
distance between P1 and P2).
SC - Scale
SC Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax
Xmin ; X coordinate of P1 Xmax ; X coordinate of P2
Ymin ; Y coordinate of P1 Ymax ; Y coordinate of P2
• Sets the scale for the coordinates the user wants to establish.
• Coordinate values for Xmin, Xmax, Ymin and Ymax are given as real numbers.
• Using this instruction without a parameter field turns the scaling off.
• The technical terms user unit and graphics unit as used in this manual are defined as follows;
User unit : the unit of the coordinates set by the SC instruction
Graphics unit : the unit (1/1016 of an inch) of the coordinates not set by the SC instruction
10 '*** SCEX ***
20 LPRINT "IN; IP3000,2000,4500,3500;SP1;SC0,120,0,120;"
30 FOR T=0 TO 2*3.1416+3.1416/20 STEP 3.1416/20
40 X=COS(T)*100
50 Y=SIN(T)*100
60 LPRINT "PA";X;",";Y;";PD;"
90 END
<Sample 61>