RIP transmission to LAN - Allows RIP
transmission or None (no RIP) to LAN
RIP reception from LAN - Allows RIP re-
ception or None (no RIP) from LAN
Add Routing Table Entry
• Destination address - Network IP ad-
dress and subnet mask.
• Gateway - Address through which the
packet passes before it reaches the
des ti na tion address.
• Metric - Number of routers (1-15) to
be passed before the packet reaches
its destination.
Display/Delete Routing Table (Entries)
- Allows administrator to delete routing
Address Translation
Address Translation - Select Use or Do
not Use. Address Translation must be
enabled for client PCs to connect to the
Internet. Selecting Use enables the fol-
lowing functions:
• IP Masquerade - When the LAN PC
connects to the WAN side, the IP
address of LAN PC is dynamically
translated to become the WAN IP ad-
dress of the AirStation. Multiple LAN
PCs can share one WAN IP address
to access the Internet.
• Static IP address translation -When
the WAN requests connection to
the LAN, the WAN IP address of the
AirStation is translated into the IP
address of the LAN PC.
Log Output - Allows NAT log to be gen-
er at ed and issued. Select Discard Packet
to disable.
IP address of DMZ - Allows administrator
to set the DMZ address.
Incoming packets containing no recogniz-
able destination port information will be
re di rect ed to the DMZ’s IP address.