Buffalo’s rewall function provides:
• Protection of personal data/ les by
either eliminating the intruder on the
spot or sending intruders to a nonfunc-
tional zone
• Noti cation of the attack (pop-up
warning, email warning, and auto
packet rejection)
1.6 AirStation Broadband Router
Access Point Package
The AirStation WBR-G54 package consists
of the following items.
1. WBR-G54 Access Point
2. AC adapter
3. Power cable and connector
4. CAT5 straight cable
5. WBR-G54 Manual
6. WBR-G54 Utility CD
7. Warranty and Registration cards
1.7 Product Views
Figure 2.1.1
1.8 About the AirStation CD
Prior to copying or installing the software,
please read the Software License Agree-
ment “license.txt”, located in the root
folder of the CD. By installing, copying
or using the AirStation software, you are
consenting to the terms of this agree-
ment. If you do not agree to all of the
terms of the Software License Agreement,
do not download, copy or install the
AirStation software.
It is the policy of Buffalo Technology to
improve products as new technology,
components, software and rmware be-
come available.
Before you proceed with the installation
of this product, please consult the AirSta-
tion website (http://www.buffalotech.com)
to download and install the latest soft-
ware for your product.
2.1 Using AirNavigator
For easy setup, the WBR-G54 CD contains
a web-based utility, AirNavigator. Use
it to set up the wireless LAN environ-
ment for both AP and PC (client). The