PS Settings
Printer Settings Menu
Composite Overprint
On, Off
You can overprint device-dependent CMYK data as composite output.
All colors used for data are overlaid and printed on one plate so you can check the
finished result without separating the colors.
This setting is only available for data having the overprint attribute set.
This setting does not apply overprinting to spot colors.
If a setting other than [None] is selected for 'CMYK Simulation Profile' (See p.
3-67), overprinting is not applied.
Advanced Smoothing
Advanced Smoothing: Off, Smooth 1
, and Smooth 2
Graphics: On, Off
Text: On
, Off
This setting smooths jagged outlines of graphics (illustrations created by
application software) and characters.
[Smooth 2] performs a higher level of smoothing than [Smooth 1]. If [Smooth 1] is
selected and the results are still not printed smoothly, select [Smooth 2].
By switching the on/off for 'Graphics' and 'Text', you can select whether to apply
smoothing to graphics or text data.
Cyan Magenta
Yellow blacK