Spool, 3-50, 3-52
Print Server, 8-14
Print server name, 4-9
Print Server Password, 8-14
Print Service, 4-8, 8-13
Bindery PServer, 4-8
Bindery remote printer mode (RPrinter), 4-8
NDS PServer, 4-8
NDS remote printer mode (NPrinter), 4-8
Printer connection method for NetBIOS network,
Mac OS X 10.3 or later, 5-10
Windows, 5-9
Printer connection method for TCP/IP network,
3-46, 3-52
Mac OS X, 3-51
Mac OS X 10.3 or later (IPP/IPPS), 3-55
UNIX , 3-51
Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista (IPP/
IPPS), 3-54
Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista (LPD/
Raw), 3-47
Windows 98/Me (IPP/IPPS), 3-52
Windows 98/Me (LPD/Raw), 3-46
Window Vista (WSD), 3-57
Printer Form, 8-14, 8-15
Printer Number, 8-14, 8-15
Printing or sending fax from computer, 1-2
Optional equipment requirements, 1-2
System requirements, 1-3
Printing problems and remedies, 7-4
Processing/Data indicator, 8-40
Protocol, 1-10, 1-12, 3-3, 4-8, 5-3, 6-3, 8-41
Protocol settings
AppleTalk, 6-3
Confirming TCP/IP settings (TCP/IPv4), 3-17
Confirming TCP/IP settings (TCP/IPv6), 3-27
E-Mail/I-Fax settings (TCP/IP), 3-40
Key pair and server certificate settings for
encrypted SSL communication, 3-28
NetWare, 4-8
SMB and WINS settings (NetBIOS), 5-3
Startup time settings (TCP/IP), 3-43
TCP/IP settings (NetBIOS), 5-3
TCP/IP settings (TCP/IPv4), 3-3
TCP/IP settings (TCP/IPv6), 3-19
Proxy server, 3-13, 8-41
Proxy Settings, 8-12
Authentication Settings, 8-12
Port Number, 8-12
Server Address, 8-12
Use Proxy within the Same Domain, 8-12
PS (PostScript), 8-41
Queue server mode, 4-4, 4-5, 8-41
RARP, 3-4, 8-3, 8-41
Raster Graphics, 8-41
Raw, 3-8, 3-44, 3-46, 8-41
RAW Print Settings, 8-7
Bidirectional Communication, 8-7
Receiving MAC Address Settings, 8-13
Register CA Certificate, 8-11
Erase, 8-11
Register, 8-11
Register Key and Certificate, 8-11
Erase, 8-11
Register, 8-11
Reject IPv4 Address, 8-3
Remote printer mode, 4-4, 4-5
Remote UI (Web browser), 3-13, 8-42
Resolution, 8-42