* If an image is displayed enlarged, the enlargement display position can
be moved by dragging. The enlargement display position appears
when [Docking display] (p.74) has been set and the edit image window
(p.111) has been enlarged.
NR/Lens/ALO Tool Palette
Auto Lighting Optimizer (p.56)
Apply noise reduction button
Enlargement display position*
Chrominance noise reduction for
JPEG and TIFF images (p.92)
NR/Lens/ALO Tool Palette
Enlargement display position*
(When a RAW image is selected) (When a JPEG or TIFF image is selected)
Lens aberration correction (p.60)
Luminance noise reduction for
JPEG and TIFF images (p.92)
Luminance noise reduction for
RAW images (p.57)
Chrominance noise reduction for
RAW images (p.57)
Tune lens aberration correction
button (p.60)
Apply noise reduction button