Glossary G-3
local printer
A printer that is connected directly to your computer.
megabyte (MB)
A unit of measure, representing one million bytes.
A group of computers connected by cables or other means and using
software that enables them to share equipment (such as printers) and
exchange information.
The print orientation in which a document is printed either across the
narrower or wider dimension of a sheet of paper (portrait orientation or
landscape orientation, respectively).
Print data or an image (such as a logo or title) that is printed in the
foreground or background of all the pages of a document.
paper feed
Movement of a sheet of paper into the printer paper path.
portrait orientation
The vertical print orientation in which a document is printed across the
narrower dimension of a rectangular sheet of paper. This is the print
mode typical of most letters, reports, and other such documents.
Compare with landscape orientation.
printer driver
Software that sends printing instructions to a printer. The printer driver
keeps track of the attributes of a printer and the codes a program must
send to access those attributes.