Using the Scan to E-Mail Feature
Using the Scan to E-Mail Feature
3. Specify the address with a one-touch key (01 to 08) or a coded dial code (000 to 191).
If the address has been registered to a one-touch key:
One-touch key: press the one-touch key (01 to 08).
If the address has been registered to a coded dial code:
Coded dial code: press [Coded Dial], then enter the 3-digit code (000 to 191) using the numeric
4. Press [Start].
If you place a document on the platen glass, press [ ] or [ ] to select the document size, then
press [OK]. If you want to scan more than one document using the platen glass, scan them one at
a time. To do that, you need to press [Start] for each scanning. Once you nish scanning all the
documents, press [OK].