Corporate Headquarter: 16381 Cherokee Road Brooksville, Florida 34601 352-796-2693
Factory: 21B Squires St. Cortland, NY 13045 607-428-0627
If you purchased a VENDAPIN 5596 Series, please refer to the photo below for the recommended
mounting location and orientation of the VendaFax module.
Please note the connections for the Telco Line In and To Fax are pointing up in the enclosure. There is
a diagnostic LED next to the switch array that must easily be seen for diagnostics. This also makes the
switches easy to get to for programming.
For other equipment, the mounting guidelines are the same. The VendaFax should be located in a
secure area where it cannot be tampered with other than by the owner of the equipment. We suggest
mounting the unit inside of the pay station for security. If this cannot be achieved, then we suggest
using a small lock box to secure the module.
Once you have the VendaFax secured in the desired position, you can proceed to making connections
to the unit.