Setting Up the Network
■Setting Projector Information [Projector info.]
From [Projector info.] in the settings window, you can set the names and location
names which are used to identify projectors when multiple projectors are installed on
the network. For the setting procedure, refer to page 177.
Item Explanation Factory default setting
SNMP Select the SNMP function version. If OFF is
selected, the SNMP function will be turned
off and the other settings in this window
cannot be changed.
Receive community Enter the community name which will
receive projector information in 1-byte
alphanumeric characters and symbols (1 -
15 characters).
Password Enter the community settings password in
1-byte alphanumeric characters and sym-
bols (8 - 15 characters). This is also used
as the password for trapping. It can be set
only when the SNMP version is V3.
Confirm password For confirmation, enter the same password
as you entered in [Password].
SNMP trap Select the type of error to trap. When any of
the checkboxes is turned on, it becomes
possible to set [Trap IP address] and [Trap
OFF (no checkmarks)
Trap IP address Enter the IP address to send information to
when trap occurs. Enter in 1-byte numbers.
Trap community Enter the community name which will send
information when trap occurs. Enter in 1-
byte alphanumeric characters and symbols
(1 - 15 characters).
Item Explanation Factory default setting
Projector name Enter the projector name in 1-byte alphanu-
meric characters and symbols (1 - 63 char-
WUX5000 / WUX4000 /
WX6000 / SX6000
Location Enter the projector installation location in 1-
byte alphanumeric characters and symbols
(0 - 63 characters).