Canton 3C16476CS Switch User Manual

Figure 52 QoS Port Detail Screen
OUI Summary
Use the OUI Summary tab to display the list of
Organizational Unique Identifier for a company and
their description.
Figure 53 QoS OUI Summary Screen
OUI Modify
Use the OUI Modify tab to add to the list of
Organizational Unique Identifier. The following
options are available:
Telephony OUI – Input a new company identifier to
add to the list.
Description – Input a description for the new
company identifier.
To add to the OUI list:
1 Enter a Telephony OUI and description.
2 Click Add.
To remove an OUI from the list:
1 Select a Telephony OUI from the list.
2 Click Remove.
Figure 54 QoS OUI Modify Screen