Carrier Access Axxius 800 Network Card User Manual

5-204 Axxius 800 - Release 2.2
CLI Commands
show (router-lan)
The show (router-lan) command displays the settings for the router card.
Syntax: show {rtr_lan-addr}
Example: show 3:1
> show 3:1
Settings for TSR LAN 1:
Profile Name: LocalUnit
Up/Down: UP
Proxy: Disabled
Physical link: Automatic
MAC Address: 00:E0:97:FF:FF:FE
IP Settings:
IP Address and Mask:
Default Router:
Enabled Frame Types: Ethernet II
RIP Direction: Neither
IPX Settings:
Enabled Frame Types: Ethernet II,IEEE 802.2,IEEE 802.3,SNAP
RIP Direction: Neither
802.2 Ext. Network: 00000000
Eth II Ext. Network: 00000000
SNAP Ext. Network: 00000000
802.3 Ext. Network: 00000000
Other Settings:
Enabled Frame Types: Ethernet II, IEEE 802.2, SNAP
LAN Spanning Tree Pro7tocol Settings for LocalUnit:
Spanning Tree: Disabled
Static IP Network Settings for LocalUnit:
Total: 0
Static IPX Network Settings for LocalUnit:
Total: 0
Static IP Address Settings for LocalUnit: