Linear Display (LineIO) causes fractions and
other expressions to be displayed in a single
Note: • The calculator switches to Linear Display automatically whenever
you enter the STAT, BASE-N, MATRIX, or VECTOR Mode. • In this manual,
symbol next to a sample operation indicates Natural Display, while
1 symbol indicates Linear Display.
Deg Rad Gra Specifies degrees, radians or grads as the angle
unit for value input and calculation result display.
Note: In this manual, the B symbol next to a sample operation indicates
degrees, while the
* symbol indicates radians.
Fix Sci Norm Specifies the number of digits for display of a
calculation result.
Fix: The value you specify (from 0 to 9) controls the number of decimal
places for displayed calculation results. Calculation results are rounded off
to the specified digit before being displayed.
1 100 ÷ 7 = 14.286 (Fix 3)
14.29 (Fix 2)
Sci: The value you specify (from 1 to 10) controls the number of significant
digits for displayed calculation results. Calculation results are rounded off to
the specified digit before being displayed.
1 1 ÷ 7 = 1.4286 s 10
(Sci 5)
s 10
(Sci 4)
Norm: Selecting one of the two available settings (Norm 1, Norm 2)
determines the range in which results will be displayed in non-exponential
format. Outside the specified range, results are displayed using exponential
Norm 1: 10
|x|, |x| > 10
Norm 2: 10
|x|, |x| > 10
Example: 1 1 ÷ 200 = 5 s 10
(Norm 1)
0.005 (Norm 2)
Aab/c A d/c Specifies either mixed fraction (ab/c) or improper
fraction (d/c) for display of fractions in calculation results.
i ; rθ Specifies either rectangular coordinates
a+bi) or polar coordinates (rθ) for EQN Mode solutions.
ASTAT ON ; OFF Specifies whether or not to display a FREQ
(frequency) column in the STAT Mode Stat Editor.
ADisp Dot ; Comma Specifies whether to display a dot or
a comma for the calculation result decimal point. A dot is always displayed
during input.
Note: When dot is selected as the decimal point, the separator for multiple
results is a comma (,). When comma is selected, the separator is a
semicolon (;).
A;CONT Adjusts display contrast. See “Adjusting Display
Contrast” for details.