
Advanced Operations
To print other sales read/reset reports
The following reports can be issued.
6 Money declaration
6 : : ~ : :a
Mode switch
Command code
(if necessary)
Report/command code list
Fix totalizer 11 #111 #211
Transaction key 12 #112 #212
PLU by record number (all) * 14 #114 #214
all PLU by random code * 14 #114 #214
by group 1000014 100#114 100#214
by department 2000014 200#114 200#214
individual by group 1020014 102#114 102#214
individual by department 2020014 202#114 202#214
range by record number * 10014 1#114 1#214
range by random code * 10014 1#114 1#214
best 50 (amount order) 60014 60114 60214
best 50 (quantity order) 70014 70114 70214
menu (1st) 81 #181 #281
menu (2nd) 82 #182 #282
menu (3rd) 83 #183 #283
menu (4th) 84 #184 #284
menu (5th) 85 #185 #285
menu (6th) 86 #186 #286
PLU stock all PLU by record number * 64 ----- -----
all by random PLU code * 64 ----- -----
by group 1000064 ----- -----
by department 2000064 ----- -----
individual by group 1020064 ----- -----
individual by department 2020064 ----- -----
range by record number * 10064 ----- -----
range by random code * 10064 ----- -----
Department 15 #115 #215
best 50 (amount order) 60015 60115 60215
best 50 (quantity order) 70015 70115 70215
Group 16 #116 #216
Clerk 17 #117 #217
individual 20017 2#117 2#217
Hourly sales 19 #119 #219
Monthly sales 20 #120 #220
Open check 25 ----- -----
total 40025 ----- -----
Scanning PLU by range department (all) 26 ----- -----
by range group 1000026 ----- -----
by range department 2000026 ----- -----
best 50 by range department 80026 ----- -----
inactive item by range department 90026 ----- -----
Scanning PLU stock by range department (all)
65 ----- -----
by range group 1000065 ----- -----
by range department 2000065 ----- -----
Table analysis 28 #128 #228
Mix & match 61 #161 #261
Financial 71 ----- -----
Individual (item / transaction key) No code ----- -----
PLU reset (no report) 50014 51114 51214
Scanning PLU reset (no report) 50026 ----- -----
Scanning PLU stock reset (no report) 50065 ----- -----
* You can choose by record number / random code by program.
Command code
Report name
# = 0 # = 1
(read) (reset)
Periodic Periodic
Command code
Report name
# = 0 # = 1
(read) (reset)
Periodic Periodic