Glossary Section 5
WR850 5-5
File Transfer Protocol is a standard Internet protocol for
exchanging files between computers. FTP is commonly used to
download programs and other files to a computer from web pages
on Internet servers.
A device that enables communication between networks using
different protocols. See also router.
The WR850 enables up to 253 computers supporting IEEE
802.11b/g or Ethernet to share a single broadband Internet
Graphical User Interface
A base-sixteen numbering system that uses sixteen sequential
numbers (0 to 9 and the letters A to F) as base units before
adding a new position. On computers, hexadecimal is a
convenient way to express binary numbers.
In IP, a host is any computer supporting end-user applications or
services with full two-way network access. Each host has a
unique host number that combined with the network number
forms its IP address.
Host also can mean:
A computer running a web server that serves pages for one or
more web sites belonging to organization(s) or individuals
A company that provides this service
In IBM environments, a mainframe computer
Internet Control Message Protocol is a protocol used for error,
problem, and informational messages sent between IP hosts and
gateways. ICMP messages are processed by the IP software and
are not usually apparent to the end-user.