Using the Home Theater Kit
Compaq iPAQ Microportable Projector MP4800 User’s Guide 6–9
The following modes are supported on the DVI interface:
640 x 480p
1280 x 720p
HD1—1920 x 1080i
When displaying HDTV content, it is recommended that you
display it in its native 16:9 widescreen mode. For this, you may
need to select the HDTV Fill to Aspect Ratio mode on the
projector to preserve the height-to-width relationship of the
material. Note that in this mode, you will have black stripes on
top and bottom of the projected image, just as you see on a
standard TV set when viewing widescreen content.
A desktop or notebook computer can also be used to generate a
HDTV video stream. Capable computers should be able to
read/acquire the HDTV data and blend it into the desktop
graphics. The composite image is then sent to the projector for
display. In this case, the projector displays the image at the
standard 4:3 aspect ratio, just as it would any other computer
graphics mode. The projector processes the data as it comes from
the computer.
When displaying HDTV content in a window as part of your
desktop environment, it is recommended to project it in the
computer’s native 4:3 mode since the computer has already
embedded the HDTV video stream in widescreen format within
the window. To do so, you may need to select the Fill to Screen
mode on your projector to preserve the height-to-width
relationship of the material.
Regardless of the source, the HDTV formats are generally of
higher resolution than that of the projector (XGA, or 1024 x 768).
Therefore, the projector will normally downscale the HDTV data
to fit the complete image within the displayable 1024 x 768