Chapter 3,.Removal and Replacement – Provides the removal and replacement
procedures for the top cover and power supply.
Related Documents
Other documents related to the 2T-CCMHA-CB central office Memory Channel hub
include the following:
• Memory Channel User’s Guide (EK-PCIRM-UG)
• Memory Channel Service Information (EK-PCIRM-SV)
This guide uses the following conventions:
Convention Meaning
A note calls the reader’s attention to any item of information that may be of
special importance.
A caution contains information essential to avoid damage to the equipment.
A warning contains information essential to the safety of personnel.
Circled numbers provide a link between figures or examples and text.
Italic type
Italic type emphasizes important information, indicates variables, and
indicates complete titles of manuals.
Reader’s Comments
Compaq welcomes your comments on this or any other manual. You can send your
comments to Compaq in the following ways:
• Internet electronic mail:
• Mail:
Compaq Computer Corporation
Information Design
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Maynard, MA 01754-2199
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