Document #: 38-02097 Rev. *B Page 8 of 44
Pin Definitions
CYV15G0404DXB Quad HOTLink II Transceiver
Name I/O Characteristics Signal Description
Transmit Path Data and Status Signals
LVTTL Input,
sampled by the
TXCLKx↑ or
Transmit Data Inputs. TXDx[7:0] data inputs are captured on the rising edge of the
transmit interface clock. The transmit interface clock is selected by the TXCKSELx
latch via the device configuration interface, and passed to the encoder or Transmit
Shifter. When the Encoder is enabled, TXDx[7:0] specifies the specific data or
command character sent.
LVTTL Input,
sampled by the
TXCLKx↑ or
Transmit Control. TXCTx[1:0] inputs are captured on the rising edge of the transmit
interface clock. The transmit interface clock is selected by the TXCKSELx latch
through the device configuration interface, and passed to the encoder or transmit
shifter. The TXCTA[1:0] inputs identify how the associated TXDx[7:0] characters are
interpreted. When the encoder is bypassed, these inputs are interpreted as data bits.
When the encoder is enabled, these inputs determine if the TXDx[7:0] character is
encoded as data, a special character code, or replaced with other special character
codes. See Table 3 for details.
LVTTL Output,
synchronous to
synchronous to
RXCLKx when
selected as
asynchronous to
transmit channel
asynchronous to loss
or return of
Transmit Path Error. TXERRx is asserted HIGH to indicate detection of a transmit
phase align buffer underflow or overflow. If an underflow or overflow condition is
detected, TXERRx, for the channel in error, is asserted HIGH and remains asserted
until either a word sync sequence is transmitted on that channel, or the transmit
phase align buffer is recentered with the PABRSTx latch through the device configu-
ration interface. When TXBISTx = 0, the BIST progress is presented on the
associated TXERRx output. The TXERRx signal pulses HIGH for one transmit
character clock period to indicate a pass through the BIST sequence once every 511
or 527 (depending on RXCKSELx) character times. If RXCKSELx = 1, a one
character pulse occurs every 527 character times. If RXCKSELx = 0, a one character
pulse occurs every 511 character times.
TXERRx is also asserted HIGH, when any of these conditions is true:
■ The TXPLL for the associated channel is powered down. This occurs when OE2x
and OE1x for a given channel are simultaneous disabled by setting OE2x = 0 and
OE1x = 0.
■ The absence of the REFCLKx± signal.
Transmit Path Clock Signals
Differential LVPECL
or single ended
LVTTL input clock
Reference Clock. REFCLKx± clock inputs are used as the timing references for the
transmit and receive PLLs. These input clocks may also be selected to clock the
transmit and receive parallel interfaces. When driven by a single ended LVCMOS or
LVTTL clock source, connect the clock source to either the true or complement
REFCLKx input, and leave the alternate REFCLKx input open (floating). When driven
by an LVPECL clock source, the clock must be a differential clock, using both inputs.
LVTTL Clock Input,
internal pull down
Transmit Path Input Clock. When configuration latch TXCKSELx = 0, the
associated TXCLKx input is selected as the character-rate input clock for the
TXDx[7:0] and TXCTx[1:0] inputs. In this mode, the TXCLKx input must be
frequency-coherent to its associated TXCLKOx output clock, but may be offset in
phase by any amount. Once initialized, TXCLKx is allowed to drift in phase as much
as ±180 degrees. If the input phase of TXCLKx drifts beyond the handling capacity
of the phase align buffer, TXERRx is asserted to indicate the loss of data, and remains
asserted until the phase align buffer is initialized. The phase of the TXCLKx input
clock relative to its associated REFCLKx± is initialized when the configuration latch
PABRSTx is written as 0. When the associated TXERRx is deasserted, the phase
align buffer is initialized and input characters are correctly captured.
2. When REFCLKx± is configured for half rate operation, these inputs are sampled relative to both the rising and falling edges of the associated REFCLKx±.
3. When REFCLKx± is configured for half rate operation, these outputs are presented relative to both the rising and falling edges of the associated REFCLKx±.
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