Document 38-08008 Rev. *D Page 10 of 32
Interrupt Status Register, Address [Address = 0Dh]. The Interrupt Status register is a READ/WRITE register providing
interrupt status. Interrupts are cleared by writing to this register. To clear a specific interrupt, the register is written with corre-
sponding bit set to ’1’.
Current Data Set Register/Hardware Revision/SOF Counter LOW [Address = 0Eh]. This register has two modes. Read
from this register indicates the current SL811HS silicon revision.
Writing to this register sets up auto generation of SOF to all connected peripherals. This counter is based on the 12 MHz clock
and is not dependent on the crystal frequency. To set up a 1 ms timer interval, the software must set up both SOF counter registers
to the proper values.
Table 14. Interrupt Status Register [Address 0Dh]
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
D+ Device
Insert/Remove SOF timer Reserved Reserved USB-B USB-A
Bit Position Bit Name Function
7 D+ Value of the Data+ pin.
Bit 7 provides continuous USB Data+ line status. Once it is determined that a device
is inserted (as described below) with bits 5 and 6, bit 7 is used to detect if the inserted
device is low speed (0) or full speed (1).
6 Device Detect/Resume Device Detect/Resume Interrupt.
Bit 6 is shared between Device Detection status and Resume Detection interrupt.
When bit-6 of register 05h is set to one, this bit is the Resume detection Interrupt bit.
Otherwise, this bit is used to indicate the presence of a device, ’1’ = device ‘Not present’
and ’0’ = device ‘Present.’ In this mode, check this bit along with bit 5 to determine
whether a device has been inserted or removed.
5 Insert/Remove Device Insert/Remove Detection.
Bit 5 is provided to support USB cable insertion/removal for the SL811HS in host mode.
This bit is set when a transition from SE0 to IDLE (device inserted) or from IDLE to
SE0 (device removed) occurs on the bus.
4 SOF timer ‘1’ = Interrupt on SOF Timer.
3 Reserved ‘0’
2 Reserved ‘0’
1 USB-B USB-B Done Interrupt. (See description in Interrupt Enable Register [address 06h].)
0 USB-A USB-A Done Interrupt. (See description in Interrupt Enable Register [address 06h].)
Table 15. Hardware Revision when Read [Address 0Eh]
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Hardware Revision Reserved
Bit Position Bit Name Function
7-4 Hardware Revision SL811HS rev1.2 Read = 1H; SL811HS rev1.5 Read = 2.
3-2 Reserved Read is zero.
1-0 Reserved Reserved for slave.