
Document 38-08008 Rev. *D Page 21 of 32
48/28-Pin USB Host Controller Pins Description
The SL811HST-AXC is packaged in a 48-pin TQFP. The SL811HS and SL811HS-JCT packages are 28-pin PLCC’s. These
devices require a 3.3 VDC power source. The 48-Pin TQFP requires an external 12 or 48 MHz crystal or clock.
Table 35. 48/28-Pin TQFP AXC Pin Assignments and Definitions
48-Pin TQFP
AXC Pin No.
28-Pin PLCC
Pin No.
Pin Type Pin Name Pin Description
1 NC NC No connection.
2 NC NC No connection.
35 INnWRWrite Strobe Input. An active LOW input used with nCS to write
to registers/data memory.
46 INnCSActive LOW 48-Pin TQFP Chip select. Used with nRD and nWr
when accessing the 48-Pin TQFP.
IN CM Clock Multiply. Select 12 MHz/48 MHz Clock Source.
6 8 VDD1 +3.3 VDC Power for USB Transceivers. V
may be connected to V
7 9 BIDIR DATA + USB Differential Data Signal HIGH Side.
8 10 BIDIR DATA - USB Differential Data Signal LOW Side.
9 11 GND USB GND Ground Connection for USB.
10 NC NC No connection.
11 NC NC No connection.
12 NC NC No connection.
13 NC NC No connection.
14 NC NC No connection.
12 VDD +3.3 VDC Device V
16 13 IN CLK/X1 Clock or External Crystal X1 connection. The X1/X2 Clock
requires external 12 or 48 MHz matching crystal or clock source.
17 14 OUT X2 External Crystal X2 connection.
18 15 IN nRST Device active low reset input.
19 16 OUT INTRQ Active HIGH Interrupt Request output to external controller.
20 17 GND GND Device Ground.
21 18 BIDIR D0 Data 0. Microprocessor Data/Address Bus.
22 NC NC No connection.
23 NC NC No connection.
24 NC NC No connection.
25 NC NC No connection.
26 NC NC No connection.
27 19 BIDIR D1 Data 1. Microprocessor Data/Address Bus.
28 20 BIDIR D2 Data 2. Microprocessor Data/Address Bus.
29 21 BIDIR D3 Data 3. Microprocessor Data/Address Bus.
30 22 GND GND Device Ground.
31 23 BIDIR D4 Data 4. Microprocessor Data/Address Bus.
32 24 BIDIR D5 Data 5. Microprocessor Data/Address Bus.
5. The CM Clock Multiplier pin must be tied HIGH for a 12 MHz clock source and tied to ground for a 48 MHz clock source.
6. The CM Clock Multiplier pin must be tied HIGH for a 12 MHz clock source and tied to ground for a 48 MHz clock source. In 28-pin PLCC’s, this pin is designated
as an ALE input pin.
7. VDD can be derived from the USB supply. See Figure 5 on page 19.