Datalogic Scanning 9504 Scanner User Manual

F-8 Magellan
Check character must be included in label data.
Label length including check character and excluding prefix charac-
ter must meet requirements imposed by the main scanner's fixed or
variable label length control for this symbology type.
Prefix must be an ASCII character '%'.
Start stop character sets must meet the matching requirement set
forth by the scanner configuration item
Codabar Start Stop Character
Start stop character sets must be of the form ABCD/ABCD and
must be included in the label.
Example: '%s$99.95s' (the lower case ‘s’ at each end of the example
is a placeholder for the start stop character set).
Code 128
Prefix must be an ASCII character '#'.
Label length excluding prefix character must meet requirements
imposed by the main scanner's fixed or variable label length control
for this symbology type.
Function characters may be transmitted as a hexadecimal value 8x.
Where x correlates to function characters 1 thru 4 as follows:
x80 = function code 1
x81 = function code 2
x82 = function code 3
x83 = function code 4
For Code 128 programming labels the format is of the general form
'#/82nnnnn/r ' - /82 is hexadecimal 82 and /r is carriage return.
Example: '#Code_128.Test'.