• For systems with Microsoft Windows Vista and later operating systems — C:\ProgramData\Dell
The root element of the log contains the name of the product and the version installed on the system.
The child elements under the root element are listed as follows:
Element Name Description
<level> Activity log level.
<timestamp> Timestamp when the log was created.
<source> Application operations.
<message> Detailed information for the log entry.
<data> Indicates additional information for the log entry.
NOTE: The format and content of the above elements are based on the operating system and can
be modified by the user.
Viewing And Exporting The Activity Log
Perform the following steps to view and export the activity log:
1. On the Welcome screen, click Activity Log.
The Activity Log screen is displayed.
By default, the list of activities performed during the last 7 days, 15 days, 30 days, 90 days, or the last
year, is displayed. You can configure the period from the drop-down list.
2. From the drop-down list, select the number of days for which you want to view the update activities
that Dell Command | Update has performed on the system. For example, if you select Last 15 Days,
you can view the update activities that Dell Command | Update has performed during the last 15
3. NOTE: You cannot undo this action.
(Optional) Click Clear to clear the log.
4. (Optional) Click to view more information about the message log entry, such as application error
messages. This information is also available in the exported log file.
5. (Optional) Click Caution next to error or failure log entries to view information on how to avoid any
potential damage or problem.
6. NOTE: The inventory.xml file is updated from dell.com/support if a newer version is available.
(Optional) Click Export to export the activity log in XML format into a zip file. The inventory.xml file is
also included in the zip file.
7. To reorder or sort the columns according to the date or message type, click next to Date or
8. Click Save to save changes, or click Cancel to revert to the last saved settings.
9. Click Close to go back to the Welcome screen.